Monday, January 30, 2012

How Can Omega-3Treat Bipolar Disorder

By John Locke

Omega 3 fatty acids can actually help bipolar disorder. Generally there have been several studies and they all have discovered that omega 3 which is in fish oil benefits those who have bipolar condition.

Omega-3 is most commonly found in cold-water fish such as trout, cod, salmon or even sardines. Omega-3 can be also found in plant life, however the source is not as good. Omega-3 is known as an essential fatty acid because it must be taken from another resource. A human body can't provide that compound.

Even though we are quite advanced in science, presently there actually isn't a medication that can entirely treat manic depression or bipolar. Doctors generally prescribe anti-depressant medicines that somehow control the signs of that problem. One of many prescribed is is lithium. It is found out that lithium operates the production of arachidonic acid in the brain. This acid regulates the human behaviour and mood swings. These kind of medicines are unsafe in the event that taken in high quantity or when consumed in a long time.

Researchers have discovered that omega 3 fatty acids could help bipolar disorder and also other psychological problems. When taken a high quantity of these fatty acids, omega-3 can easily stop the creation of arachidonic acid and thereby raise the levels of DHA and EPA in the entire body which assists your brain activity. In the event that DHA (docosahexaenoic acid) and EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid) levels are high they decrease bad eicosanoids, which bring about depressive sensation and thereby are linked to bipolar disorder.

Omega-3 fatty acids help to nourish the human brain of the person struggling with bipolar. The brain will get all of the proper nutrients which really helps to promote typical brain performance. You need to know that this particular supplement does not work as quick as medication. It will take time to progressively cure it in a pure way.

Even though fish-oil is a good way to deal with bipolar disorder it's important to consult your physician and never to try and treat your self.

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Friday, January 27, 2012

Words as Weapons and another Bipolar Disorder Myth Dispelled Dispelled

By Richard Pedersen

Welcome back to the bin, my fellow freaks!

Before I return to dispelling misconceptions about bipolar disorder, I'd like to talk a bit about words. As a writer, words are my bread and butter. Words have power. Language doesn't just help us define reality, it shapes it. Just ask Pluto. Poor tiny Pluto isn't a planet any longer. Why? Because some science guy claimed it wasn't.

Whacko. Nutcase. Lunatic. Psycho. Freak.

Those words can have serious power when used with malice. Some of you reading this might be shocked by me referring to those that are suffering from bipolar disorder as whackos. I can really understand. Those words can hurt. They can especially hurt when said by a "friend." Trust me. I know.

Just as words can make meaning, they can be meaningless. It relies on two things: the person who's saying them and his or her intention. Let me give you an example.

As a writer, I spend the majority of my time inside. I'm 1/8th Cherokee, so I would tan tell if I ever saw the light of day. The reminder of my ancestry is Western European. Essentially, my skin is as white as the driven snow. Now I am going to say a word and then dive for cover.


Man... I feel crappy even typing that.

That word was used by white folk to oppress black folk for a very long time, and boy was it a powerful one. It was the neutron bomb of English for a particularly long time. That word was employed to cause shame, which is why I feel positively awful even saying it

However, the N-word (sorry I can't bring myself to type it again) is only a weapon when it's used like a weapon. Watch any movie, go to any club, walk down any street and you may hear black people kidding around and using it like a term of endearment. It's OK for them to speak it, because they ARE it. For me to say it? Probably not OK. I can possibly get away with it this one time because my intention isn`t to harm, but to help. Or at least I'm hoping I can. If not, please accept my earnest apology.

Being bipolar, the character of our sickness makes sure that we are an emotional bunch, but let's try not to be too sensitive about words. They can only harm us if we let them. Let's start with the word I hate the most:


Freak freak freak freak FREAK FREAK FREAK!!!

If I say it aloud, over and over, it starts to sound like something I made up, just some nonsensical noise. The more I use it, the less it means. The less it means the less it hurts.

Try it for yourself. Pick the one word that hurts you the most and say it over and over. Make that word just as dead as the not-a-planet Pluto. Just don't forget that your word isn't dead to everybody. If that word bothers some other person, don't say it around them. It is all about kindness, people. It's that simple.

Well, once more, I am over word count. And I haven't even discussed one myth, but I may have just dispelled one.

Bipolar Parable 3: "Being bipolar makes you a bad person."

I am bipolar. If I was a bad person, would I make such an effort as I did to avoid offending the black community? Nope. I'd be screaming the N-word from the roof without shame.

There are many out there who are terrified of those of us with bipolar disorder thanks to the actions of a few.Yes, there are some who genuinely are mean, vicious people who are harmful to others. But there are lots more like that who aren`t bipolar. Most of us are the same as you. Some of us, and I am not naming names here, are kind, loving parents who try hard not to not let their daughters see them cry during Disney films.

OK. It's me. I do that. Pathetic, right? Well this whole article has been about liberating yourself from shame, so I might as well come out of the closet. Disney pictures make me cry sometimes. That fact may actually make me a freak. Having bipolar disorder, however, does not.

Until next time, my fellow freaks keep fighting!

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Monday, January 23, 2012

The 5 Must Know Facts About Bipolar Disorder

By Michael Jordel

Bipolar disorder is a medical condition that people get diagnosed with. Individual with this sort of problem goes through intense mood swings. He or she can very easily go from happy to furious without any reason. There are many other signs and symptoms that the person with bipolar disorder has. In addition to the moodiness one can have a lack of control, uncontrollable desires, little need for sleep are just a couple of examples.

Four forms of disorder I - Type I given for a condition in which a person has experienced one manic episode and periods where he has been extremely depressed

II - Bipolar disorder Type II is a condition where the patient doesn't experience mania. The individual experiences very high energy level along with bouts of depression which usually change from one to the other.

III - Third type can also be called cyclothmia, which is basically the same as Type II, but much less severe.

IV - Type IV bipolar disorder is also generally known as combined disorder. In this type the patient experiences extreme mania and depression at the exact same moment.

What exactly is mania Mostly mania is meant as a extremely cheery state of being. People are usually happy and also looking forward to something. This isn't the same for people with bipolar disorder. For them, it means a period of behaving extremely wildly and also have too much anger for no reason at all.

Hard to give medication It is extremely challenging toprovide an accurate medical diagnosis and cure to a person who has bipolar indications and symptoms. To get the symptoms under control and allow the individual to live a normal life where he is able to carry out work and also communicate with other individuals normally, the proper dosage of medication have to be consumed. It is extremely difficult to give the accurate dosage of drugs, simply because the symptoms are in a constant state of flux and the medicine must be taken accordingly. Thus getting an accurate medical diagnosis is hard.

Manic signs of bipolar disorder The person usually experiences severe mood swings. He is able to react to something entirely extremely agitated or exhibit a emotion that isn't typical for that predicament. Also a individual in a manic state doesn't speak coherently. The sentences may not make any sense given that situation. First and foremost improper behavior is usually witnessed.

What's the risk group The disorder influences about 2% of the US citizens. Younger men and women get clinically diagnosed a lot more, especially from ages in between 18 and twenty four. Also females are at higher risk on developing the condition. Bipolar disorder is drastically linked to inherited genes. If a single or both of the parents suffer from bipolar affliction then it's most likely which the child may also develop the syndrome. What is important to understand is that bipolar disorder can impact any person on the planet and one has to be properly clinically diagnosed with the condition.

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Sunday, January 15, 2012

Bipolar Personality Disorder - Apparent Symptoms You Have to Look Out For

By Donovan K. Feist

There are clinically determined and undiagnosed mental ailments in just about every individual. As a matter of fact, several circumstances force every person to undertake changes with the way they think and respond to day-to-day difficulties. While there are docile kinds of mental health issues, there are also serious problems that warrant quick psychiatric consideration. One of this is the Bipolar Disorder.

Bipolar disorder symptoms are ideally exemplified with changing periods of mania and depression. It is a mood disorder that manifests on people who don't learn how to cope up with different mental and emotional stressors in their lives. The alterations between the two important moods are radical and sudden in character. In point of fact, patients who go through bipolar disorders normally go through mania and hypomania in such rapid intensities, displaying the labile aspect of their mental illness.

Hypomania or depression is referred to as a sensation of helplessness and inadequate self-esteem. Men and women being affected by this affliction tend to believe that they are at the base of things, with several patients turning to suicidal ideations and inclinations. Typical feelings of listlessness and inferiority are most obvious and patients who have this would typically withdraw from the team. They would as well feel insignificant and would rather totally focus more on on their own life rather than on the tasks that lay ahead.

Mania on the other hand is the total antipode of depression. At this point, patients believe they are way on top of others. They have a tendency to become extremely overconfident, leading them to consider they are better and exceptional than the people close to them. During this cycle, they go after varied recreations and it is really hard to sway them off their track. When clients are in the manic phase, they are tough to control. Because of their over-the-top habit, they become impulsive and rash on their decisions. They engage in virtually everything without deciding too much regarding the costs of their personal follies.

Besides mania and depression, bipolars also own a certain major pattern - poor attention. This is exhibited in their failure to focus on the chores ahead, usually generating to failure of reaching deadlines and work targets. Their mental disarray manifests on the way they fuss about and move their body too much, resulting to feet tapping and excessive hand and body movements. To deal with bipolar disorder symptoms, treatments such as Lithium, antidepressants and antipsychotic agents are usually given by consultants.

A thorough treatment in a mental institution is highly recommended for patients struggling from this kind of mental illness. With the help of rigorous medication maintenance, family support and therapies, bipolar patients can return back to their normal self in no time at all.

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Sunday, January 1, 2012

Dispelling a Few Myths about Bipolar Disorder

By Bryce Albertson

Hi again, fellow wackos and electronic rubberneckers!

If you are here because you are like meâ€"just a little "off"â€"then welcome. If you're here to find out more about bipolar disorder, stick around, because I know a bit and I like to talk. If you're here to watch the train wreck occur, hoping I'll melt down and post something wild about the speaking wombats that live in my chiller and their TV viewing habits well, you can doubtless be a little unhappy. I could be a freak, but I'm not crazy.

Yeah, that's right. I just called myself a freak. I think if other folks are going to call me that, I'll probably get away with saying it myself. Wacko, nutcase, loony, psycho... There are masses of things folks say about bipolar disorder, and many of them just aren't correct. Let's take a look at a couple of those things at the moment.

Bipolar Myth 1 "Folks with bipolar disorder are not really sick."

Some people say that bipolar disorder is "all in your head." They assert stuff like "everyone gets depressed. You only need to suck it up and handle it like everybody else." If this is correct then diabetes patients just need to get over their illness, too. I mean, too much sugar is not good for everyone, right?

Just as a diabetic's body doesn't process sugars correctly, someone with bipolar disorder's brain doesn't process dopamine, serotonin and norepinephrine quite right.

Don't accept my word for it, though. Take it from research scientists at the University of Michigan who've studied Abnormal Brain Chemistry Found in Bipolar Disorder . They know what they're talking about.

I'm just some freak, remember?

Therefore you can let me know I don't have a "real" disease and that I simply have to deal with it, but first you've got to tell Ms. Diabetic to eat 6 Twinkies and sort it. Go ahead. I may call 911 while she is gnawing.

This myth is so commonplace that insurance corporations are able to treat itâ€"or more precisely NOT treat itâ€"like it's not a "real" disease. The last health care insurance I had would pay for 80% of the bill if I had to have major surgery, but only 50% if I saw a doctor for bipolar disorder. Also, they limited the amount of times I could see a doctor for treatment to 12 times ever year. Tell you what let's limit diabetics to 12 insulin shots every year and see how well they do.

What? We shouldn't do that because they could get sick and die?

Well, folks with bipolar disorder die, too. In fact, without proper treatment, 20% of them commit suicide. That's one in 5, people. I would say that comprises a serious health danger. Maybe this bipolar thing is a genuine illness after all.

Bipolar Myth 2 "People with bipolar disorder are beyond hope."

He has got bipolar disorder. He's crazy. He can't be helped. He's a lost cause. Or is he?

The incontrovertible fact isâ€"he isn't. Bipolar disorder is one of the easiest conditions to treat. There are several effective medications, some of which have been used for quite a bit. Lithium, as an example, has been about since the 1950's. Lithium doesn't work for everybody, though. That is the reason why there's Lamictal, Depakote, Zoloft, Tegretol, Wellbutrin, Prozac, Effexor, and a partridge in a pear tree. A psychiatrist can tinker with medicines until he finds a combination that works.

Medications can help, but so can just talking. Talk care did me more good than any tablet ever did. Nonetheless without the pills, I most likely would not have listened to anything when I was at rock-bottom.

The point is this: people with bipolar disorder CAN be helped. So if you have bipolar disorder or know someone that does, don't give up. There's hope.

Well gang, it looks like I am over word count. I told you I love to talk! We will chat some more next time when I dispel 1 or 2 more legends about bipolar disorder.

So to all my chums and fellow freaks, till next time keep fighting!

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About This Blog

The treatment options for Bipolar Disorder generally depend upon the severity of the condition for each individual. This blog discusses some of these treatment options and how they are employed

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