Saturday, July 21, 2012

Bipolar Disorder In Children - Several Important Facts Parents Could Consider

By V K Rajagopalan

Although psychiatrists, psychologists and pediatricians are required to follow stringent rules if they screen people for mental health troubles, several still are inclined to misdiagnose Bipolar Disorder in youngsters. Often, children with bipolar disorder are often diagnosed with ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder), and it's only after their late teens or early adulthood that a reliable diagnosis is made.

Given the sheer complexity of these disorders, as well as the fact that warning signs can be extremely comparable, one can't really fault medical experts, but at the same time, moms and dads cannot afford to turn a blind eye. One of the major concerns would be the elevated risk of suicide. Individuals with bipolar disorder, because of their recurring depressive states, are prone to committing suicide, and this can be frighteningly aggravated by quite a few ADHD prescribed drugs.

Various ADHD prescriptions have been linked to suicides, so of course they must never ever be given to somebody with bipolar disorder. To make matters even worse, mood swings in individuals with bipolar disorder can take place extremely fast. In many instances, there are very distinct "normal" durations in between mood swings, however in alternative situations, somebody with bipolar disorder can go from being exceeding jubilant to being on the brink of suicide within the space of a few minutes.

As far as therapy is concerned, patients with bipolar disorder are supplied very different drugs the people who have been diagnosed with ADHD. In most cases, people young kids, teens, together with grown-ups with ADHD will be regularly treated with stimulant therapies. On the flip side, bipolar disorder is practically treated with mood stabilizing drugs such as Lithium Carbonate.

Lithium carbonate has proven to be relatively efficient at moderating suicidal depression, but as is to be envisioned, there are a few possible negative effects.

With that in mind, ADHD remedies are also well known for their major side effects. In more recent times, a number of homeopathic treatment options have been making an appearance on the market. Lots of people swear by these treatment options, although some simply aren't prepared to take any chances, and for that reason, they decline to try anything except prescription drugs. No matter whether this is wrong or right depends on each person's personal belief, although you should never fail to acknowledge the indisputable fact that homeopathic treatment options are nearly always far less dangerous than prescription meds.

Bipolar disorder in children doesn't have to mean a child can't ever get anywhere in life. Quite the opposite, there have been several extremely gifted people who have lived their entire lives with the condition. In fact, several medical researchers actually believe there's a link between bipolar disorder and creativity, and that a person's creativity can by itself fuel the disorder, such as when a person with the condition feels they've under achieved, or fallen short of their personal goals.

Even if bipolar disorder in young kids isn't as prevalent as ADHD in kids, it does exist. If a youngster of yours has been diagnosed with ADHD, it's ardently recommended that you acquire a second, and perhaps even a third opinion. These are two very different mental health concerns, and each should be handled appropriately.

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Sunday, July 1, 2012

What Is Bipolar Disorder And How To Manage It

By Felix Masters

Bipolar disorder is a long-term chemical imbalance owing to chemical variations in your body that triggers quick variations in temper and conduct. Due to bipolar disorder, you change between episodes of depression and mania. Anywhere between, chances are you'll go back totally to normal or have some remaining symptoms. The intense mood changes may come on all of a sudden or appear less quickly.

During a manic episode, you may be unusually joyful and care free with a abrupt plunge to rage or frustration. At the outset, you could come to feel amazingly effective or inspiring. You may feel very robust and experience an inflated self-esteem and think that there is absolutely nothing that you can't achieve. You could have racing thoughts that may not add up or be fully understood by other folks. You could have hallucinations and speak faster or more than usual. You may have increased feelings about having sex. But as the manic occurrence advances, you may react wildly and irresponsibly, spending lots of money, participating in hazardous activities, and sleeping very little. You may also have trouble working in your job and interacting with other people.

Following a manic occurrence, chances are you'll come back to normal, or perhaps your mood may move in the other direction and you may really feel a reduced self-esteem or a feeling of worthlessness, hopeless, and very depressed with long periods of weeping. While you are depressed, you may have insufficient power, have problems focusing, remembering, and making decisions. Possibly you have a change in your eating and sleeping behaviors. And you will probably lose interest in stuff you have enjoyed in the past. Some people become suicidal or cause harm to themselves during instances of depression. Many feel as if they are unable to move, care, or think.

Guys tend to have more manic phases, while women have more depressive phases. You are more prone to develop bipolar disorder if another member of your family had the same problem. Stress, drugs or alcoholism are very typical starting points for bpd symptoms. Leaving your problems without professional help, your bipolar disorder will deteriorate significantly, making you to switch more often between phases of mania and depression. A number of people could have bipolar disorder with mixed symptoms, in which episodes of depression and mania arise at the same time. This makes the problem tricky to treat and also frustrating for you as well as for those around you. It can even possibly result in a hospital stay if your daily functioning becomes impaired.

Bipolar disorder is complex and difficult to identify because it has numerous phases and symptoms. Once you are identified with bipolar disorder, it is crucial to have a long-term arrangement with your doctor or therapist to ensure that your treatment is consistent and that your drugs can be adjusted as required. There is no cure for bipolar disorder, but drugs may be used to control your mood swings. Early recognition and treatment might help lower your chance of complications, such as alcohol and drug addiction or committing suicide.

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About This Blog

The treatment options for Bipolar Disorder generally depend upon the severity of the condition for each individual. This blog discusses some of these treatment options and how they are employed

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