Saturday, April 10, 2010

Types of Treatment For Bipolar Disorder

Bipolar disorder has proven to be a very serious issue within current society. With incredible stresses enveloping the population concerning economic issues and other personal issues related, there are increasing factors as well as genetic factors that are contributing to the onset of bipolar disorder.

The appearance of bipolar disease usually appears as a young adult and continues throughout the adult years if left untreated. Though you cannot see the affliction, it is serious and can be very damaging and requires some sort of treatment sooner than later.

There are many types of treatment for these issues, each improving the condition in a different way depending on the patient. Since it involves very high highs and very low lows, there are different treatments needed to target the various elements of the disease.

There have been many studies conducted to prove the success of various treatments and the conclusion is the same as the condition; the success of any bipolar treatment depends on the individual and his or her environment.

There is not one treatment that should be used alone, but a number of them together. It starts with the assistance of an experienced psychiatrist to diagnose the condition properly and suggest the appropriate methods of treatment.

The highs of the disease are often referred to as manias. These manias can lead to harm to the individual or their loved ones and basically anyone around them. For these manias, there are specific medications that are used to calm the patient down and stabilize his or her mood:

o Antipsychotic medications

o Lithium

o Benzodiazepine

o Anticonvulsant medications

The lows of the bipolar disorder are referred to as bouts of extreme depression and are treated with a different method:

o Antidepressant medications

o Therapy

o Life-style changes

o Social support

If depression becomes too severe and the patient is not reacting to the medications and other sources of treatment, electroconvulsive therapy has been proven to be the best treatment method. Seeming a bit scary, many patients fear this treatment and strive to avoid such a serious measure.

Many physicians prefer the alternate route and will assist patients in maintaining their bipolar disease and improve their mental health naturally and sometimes with the assistance of various medications.

Young adults and older adults visit psychiatrists to discuss the optimal plan to improve their mental condition and assist them in reestablishing a normal lifestyle. Hospital care is sometimes needed when there are lives in danger and the health of the patient is deteriorating. Most treatment for bipolar disease focuses on long-term comprehensive therapy, as it is a long-term disease.
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The treatment options for Bipolar Disorder generally depend upon the severity of the condition for each individual. This blog discusses some of these treatment options and how they are employed

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